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Apocalypse 2016 Part 3: Records Supporting the Existence of Dr. Salvatore Conti (And Their Absence)


Alright, I’m done bashing and bruising the Frank Vidal thesis. I think the last holders-on just gravitate towards it because they don’t see a better option. So let’s give ’em one.

Next we’re going to talk about Salvatore Conti’s credibility. This post will be all about the records found, and not found, that back his story.

* Timeline

Let’s start with some basic facts relayed in the video:

A denizen of Above Top Secret writes:

2) He was born in Ara Nova, Italy in 1949 (which makes him about 63 years old) https://maps.google.com/maps?q=Ara+Nova,+RM,+Italia&hl=en&sll=41.926803,12.295074&sspn=0.430656,0.891953&oq=ara+nova&t=h&hnear=Ara+Nova,+Province+of+Rome,+Lazio,+Italy&z=14
3) He moved to New York when he was 20 (so…in about 1969)
4) In 1972 he was admitted to Yale…and there achieved Doctorate(s) in Applied Mathematics and Physics
5) In 1983 he was hired by Dupont, in Houston
6) In 1990 he was recruited by NASA (he also says he has been with NASA for 22 years now)
7) In 1993 his security clearance was increased and he was transferred

* Corroborating internet records

What do we have to confirm any of this? Bits and pieces; less than would be desired, but far from nothing.

Court records from Harris County show the following:


It is possible that this is a different Conti – the date is a bit early for him to be involved in a custody battle, but not impossible. He could’ve already been in Texas by then, although not working for Dupont yet. It depends on how long his Yale PhD took. He would’ve been about 31. That certainly sounds like the right age for a messy divorce.

UPDATE: Salvatore Victor Conti is a partner at CJG Engineers in Houston. Not the same guy. We are apparently looking for a Salvador A Conte (according to Intelius) or Salvatore Conti (according to Google+).

These might be his naturalization records:

Here is the tax info on this Texas Salvatore Conti’s $350k house:

The address is only 41 minutes from the Houston Space Center. If Houston is anything like Dallas, commuting is the norm.

Intelius.com supposedly has him working working at NASA, although the employer field is behind a paywall so I can’t confirm this. (I found all the above info originally on abovetopsecret.com and another conspiracy forum thread.)

-Salvador A Conte
-Alias: Sal A Conte
Current/past residences:
-Houston, TX- NASA
-Pass Christian, MS – in Harrison County, Mississippi. DuPont DeLisle facility located in same county.
-Metairie, LA

* Yale degrees

Someone really needs to confirm or deny whether Salvatore Conti received those degrees from Yale. To date, that has yet to happen. We’ve only searched the incomplete Yale Alumni Association database, which for example does not show Meryl Streep, class of ’75. (Search not done by me; someone on Reddit I believe.)

* Google+ profile

We have a Google+ account that fits:

It’s detail perfect, down to the “Italia”. The past residences don’t match the other locations mentioned on Intelius. Someone claimed that Aranova was misspelled but Google doesn’t seem to think so.

Of course this proves nothing! But it’s food for though, no?

* Eyewitness sighting?

This man sat the on the board of the NASA team at GSA 2011, I did not stick around to see if he gave any speeches… I was shocked when I saw his face in the video before watching it since it was somebody I have personally seen in real life..I have never been a “Doomtard” but I will personally verify that regardless of what he says may be true or not, he did at least represent NASA at a scientific meeting…

I cannot track down the source of this comment. My IP is now blocked from viewing the #1 Google result for it.

UPDATE: A reader has tracked down the source:

I tracked it down to a thread @ godlikeproductions (sigh.. that’s about the least reputable source imaginable, but at least we’ve found it). Link to the thread. The post was made on 08/13/2012 12:54 AM by ‘General Lee’, ostensibly from the US.

Presumably by GSA 2001, ‘General Lee’ is referring to the Geological Society of America’s annual conference in 2011, where NASA was indeed represented extensively. No hits for ‘Conti’ in that year’s programme…

I suppose we could contact John Mustard and ask him about whether Salvatore Conti was one of the other panel-members.

* Do sparse records constitute disproof??

Here’s the argument in a nutshell (from an email):

If he is a legitimate scientist in the US scientific community he will leave a public presence even if he is in a secret project. It would have been easy to prove that Oppenheimer existed even though he was working on the most top secret project we have ever had. Scientists have to publish papers and belong to professional organizations to get anywhere in their careers.

And here’s the refutation in a nutshell (Googling source failed):

Yeah keep researching, though finding him is proving elusive. I am not sure if he would be listed as a NASA employee if he was working on a secret project. Such programmes don’t advertise themselves or the people who work for them, it would be NASA’s equivalent of a black op. His Collage years also, people say they can’t find any trace of him, but surely his records from 72 were pre computer system, so would his work be available on the internet?

And again from Above Top Secret:

Not only that, but for everyone who thinks that he should have papers and published journals with his name everywhere, it’s obvious you all don’t know what a think tank is. There are thousands of doctors working tirelessly around the clock to crunch data and figure out complex problems, who have never and will never write a paper because they aren’t those kinds of scientists. This one would have a paper at Yale for his dissertation, but if he did not chase a PhD, you’re not going to find papers online, especially not from one working in applied mathematics.

Please people (not you specifically Swills), use some critical thinking. Just because he’s not all over the internet doesn’t mean he’s a fake and this is a hoax, it just means he was possibly a lab rat stuffed away in dingy rooms crunching numbers for years, keeping his mouth shut and doing his job. In the real world, that usually amounts to a raise and promotion here and there, so it’s likely that he was eventually given access to sensitive data, especially after 20+ years in the industry.

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